Non-Profit Organizations
Tax Preparation & Planning
We can help you setup and maintain your nonprofit organization’s tax-exempt status by handling all the IRS and FTB reporting for you.
Each year the IRS and FTB require most tax-exempt organizations to submit their Tax Form by the due date.
- Organizing – Using our software link portal that makes it easy for you to deliver your documents on a timely and organized way.
- Accuracy – We will share tax documents through direct uploads, mobile pictures, or imports from your financial banker saving you time with incredible accuracy. Because data can be imported and directly uploaded on your tax manual error is at the minimum.
- Responsiveness – We manage our communication more efficiently using various features like mobile accessibility and automated notification. You will know when your tax is done instantly. You will get a notification to make an estimated tax payment.
- Peace of Mind – We will keep track of important client documents and data wisely.
- Exempt Status – We will identify for you the compliance requirements and record-keeping, reporting, and disclosure for exempt organizations.
- Charities and Private Foundation– We will help you to avoid some common mistakes or common non-compliance in the non-for-profit organizational industry.
- Exempt Status – Is your exempt status revoked and don’t know what to do? We will help you to re-instate your status.
- Application for Recognition of Exemption– We will work for you to complete the complicated Federal and State forms…
- Compliance Check – This procedure is about accountability. We can represent you before the IRS and FTB to address the specific items requested.
- Field Audit and/or Correspondent Audit – We can represent you before the IRS, FTB or Board of Equalization. Once you gave us the power of attorney, we will work on your behalf tirelessly.
We are happy to prepare any of these items if you need help.
Let us help you setup and/or maintain your non-profit tax-exempt status by requesting a consultation below.